Created for Students at Cho's Karate/Taekwondo located at Westheimer, Houston, Texas USA.
There is no one right way to teach or practice martial arts. This is how our school teaches Tae Kwon Do.
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How to Memorize & TKD Aims (Video)
How to memorize TKD Pledge (Video)
How to Memorize TKD Saying Chon-Ji/White Belt (Video)
How to Memorize TKD Saying Toi-Gye/Brown Belt (Video)
How to Tie a Belt - Practice makes better. Parents and students can easily learn to tie a belt. This is one way.
TKD Basics: Stances Reviewed - This video is important enough to watch and practice repeatedly.
TKD Basics: Chambering Improves Strength - Be strong. Do your best. Learn this basic martial arts skill.
TKD Basics: Kick Combo Foot Placement - Learning correct foot placement when kicking in combinations is a very important. You will improve your balance, speed and power. The reason we practice basic techniques over & over is that is the way to master any skill.
TKD Basics: Kicks - Roundhouse -Kicks covered are regular back leg roundhouse, front roundhouse, jumping roundhouse, turn roundhouse, and turn jumping roundhouse.
TKD Basics: Kicks - Side Kick & Back Turning Kick -These kicks are so important. TKD basics & detail covered. Difference between Back Kick & Back-Turning Kick explained. Learn to practice these
basic techniques over & over, that is the way to master any skill.
TKD Sparring Basics - Strategies include speed versus power, footwork, and the effect of daily habits.
Black Belt Review - This Video includes 8 Patterns for Black Belt Recommend Test all in one video. Patterns are back-to-back. This video is meant to be used for review.
Taekwondo 1 Step_ #1-5 Without a partner - These One Steps are choreographed defense responses to an opponent throwing a right-handed punch. Once learned, Practice both sides, to be balanced. Practicing basic techniques over & over is the way to master any skill. After mastery comes creativity.
Taekwondo 1 Step_ #6-10 Without a partner - These One Steps are choreographed defense responses to an opponent throwing a right-handed punch. Once learned, Practice both sides, to be balanced. Practicing basic techniques over & over is the way to master any skill. After mastery comes creativity.
TKD Pattern 1 -Techniques for Chon-Ji - Practice 1st- This Taekwondo video introduces very, very important beginning stances: front stance & back stance, also down block, lunge punch & inner block (inner fore-arm block). They are the formal foundation upon which the student will build . Learning the individual techniques separate and first make learning the pattern easier. Good form practiced repeatedly equals power & strength.
TKD Pattern 2 - Techniques for Dan-Gun -Practice 1st - This Taekwondo video reviews known techniques: front stance, back stance, down block and lunge punch learned in previous white belt pattern. Then teaches new techniques needed for yellow belt: High section punch, rising block, single knife-hand, knife-hand guarding, twin block (which includes rising block & outer forearm block-also known as outer block). Learning the individual techniques separate and first make learning the pattern more easy. Good form practiced repeatedly equals power & strength.
TKD Pattern 3 - Techniques for Do-San -Practice 1st - This Taekwondo video reviews known techniques, and introduces a few new techniques: outer block (outer-forearm),Step-step turn around, spear finger, x-block, rear foot stance, wedging block. Learning the individual techniques separate and first make learning the pattern easier. Good form practiced repeatedly equals power & strength.
TKD Pattern 4 - Techniques for Won-Hyo - Practice 1st: -utilizes a double block-strike-punch combo repeatedly, a side kick from feet together position, circle block-kick-punch combination.
TKD Pattern 5 - Techniques for Yul-Guk - Practice 1st- adds front stance knife strike, back leg side kick, elbow attack& two arm block.
TKD Pattern 6 -Techniques for Joong-Gun -Practice 1st -adds many shifting stances instead of stepping, ridge hand strike, pushing block, upward elbow strike, twin upset punch, hook punch, and pole block.
TKD Pattern 7 -Techniques for Toi-Gye - Practice 1st
TKD Pattern 8 -Techniques for Hwa-Rang - Practice 1st - This Taekwondo video reviews known techniques, and introduces a few new techniques: Palm strike, downward circular knife strike. Learning the individual techniques separate and first make learning the pattern easier. Good form practiced repeatedly equals power & strength.
TKD Pattern 9 -Techniques for Choong-Mo -Practice 1st - adds many feet together kicks, 360 jump, riding stance inner forearm back fist combo, back stance mid x block combo.
TKD WTF Pattern - Techniques for Koryo -Practice 1st -
TKD Pattern 10 -Techniques for Gwang-Gae -Practice 1st -
TKD Pattern - Techniques for Po-en - Practice 1st -
TKD Pattern 1 -Chon-Ji - 19 movement White belt pattern - First pattern learned by the beginner. Learn all important front stance, back stance, down block, and lunge punch.
TKD Pattern 2 - Dan-Gun - 21 movement yellow belt pattern introduces more upper body techniques: knife-hand guarding, high punch, twin block, rising block, and down block-rising block combination. Still no kicks.
TKD Pattern 3 - Do-San -24 movement green belt pattern introduces outer forearm block-reverse punch combination, spear finger, x-block, wedging block, and front snap kick.
TKD Pattern 4 - Won-Hyo -28 movement green high pattern utilizes a double block-strike-punch combo repeatedly, a side kick from feet together position, circle block-kick-punch combination.
TKD Pattern 5 - Yul-Guk -38 movements blue pattern adds front stance knife strike, back leg side kick, elbow attack& two arm block.
TKD Pattern 6 -Joong-Gun -32 movements blue high adds many shifting stances instead of stepping, ridge hand strike, pushing block, upward elbow strike, twin upset punch, hook punch, and pole block.
TKD Pattern 7 -Toi-Gye -37 movements brown belt introduces many new techniques. There is an error in the dialogue of the video. The 7th, not the 8th of eight required to test for Black Belt Recommend.
TKD Pattern 8 -Hwa-Rang -29 movements Now Red Belt pattern adds circular knife hand strike, 2 roundhouse kicks, and more shifting stances.
TKD Pattern 9 -Choong-Mo -30 movements black belt recommended adds many feet together kicks, 360 jump, riding stance inner forearm back fist combo, back stance mid x block combo.
TKD WTF Pattern - Koryo - 30 movements Equivalent to our ITF Choong-Mo pattern
TKD Pattern 10 -Gwang-Gae -39 movements 1st Dan decided black belt adds low side kick, rear foot stance, double side kick from feet together stance, low arch hand strike, high arch hand throat grab.
TKD Pattern - Po-en -36 movements
Intro TKD Basics - First 8 Moves of Chon-Ji-White Belt Pattern: This Taekwondo Intro video teaches front stance, down block, lunge punch, both right and left, in order to practice the first 8 moves of the Chon-Ji White Belt Pattern taught in this TKD video. This is required for the youngest of our students to earn a yellow stripe on their white belt. This means they are ½ way to learning the pattern they need to know to earn a yellow belt. Learning correct form like this is the very important foundation upon which the student will build.
Intro TKD Basics - All 19 Moves of Chon-Ji-White Belt Pattern: This Taekwondo video reviews front stance, down block, lunge punch, both right and left. This video also introduces Back Stance Inner Block (Full name: Inner Forearm Block) needed to complete the 19 moves of Chon-Ji Pattern. This white belt pattern is a very important foundation upon which the student will build.
Intro TKD Basics - Dan-Gun Yellow Belt (Part 1of 2) New Techniques for Yellow Belt Pattern: This Taekwondo video reviews known techniques: front stance, back stance, down block and lunge punch learned in previous white belt pattern. Then teaches new techniques needed for yellow belt: High section punch, rising block, single knife-hand, knife-hand guarding, twin block (which includes rising block & outer forearm block-also known as outer block). Learning the individual techniques separate and first make learning the pattern more easy. Good form practiced repeatedly equals power & strength.
Intro TKD Basics - Dan-Gun Yellow Belt (Part 2of 2) All 21 Moves of Pattern: This Taekwondo video teaches the complete 21 moves of Dan-Gun Yellow Belt Pattern. First, the whole pattern, then breaks it down in easier to learn pieces. This yellow belt pattern is very important because it begins building on what is learned in the foundational white belt pattern.
Intro TKD Basics - Roundhouse Kick-Side Kick-Reverse Punch Combination: This Taekwondo Intro video is for beginners, as young as 4 years old. It teaches Round house kick, then, side kick. Lastly, we add roundhouse kick to a side kick and add a reverse punch at the end. This completes the first kicking combination learned by white belts. Once you are comfortable & know it, practice both sides/legs.
Intro TKD Basics - Roundhouse-Jumping RH Kick-Reverse Punch Combination: This Taekwondo Intro video is for beginners, as young as 4 years old. It teaches Jumping Roundhouse kick. Then, we add roundhouse kick to a Jumping Roundhouse kick and add a reverse punch at the end. This completes this kicking combination learned by white belts. Once you are comfortable & know it, practice both sides/legs.
Intro TKD Basics - Roundhouse Kick-Turn RH Kick-Reverse Punch Combination: This Taekwondo Intro video is for beginners, as young as 4 years old. It reviews Round house kick. Then, we add a Turn roundhouse kick and a reverse punch at the end. This completes this kicking combination learned by white belts. Once you are comfortable & know it, practice both sides/legs.
Intro TKD -
Intro TKD -
Intro TKD -
Intro TKD -
Intro TKD -
TKD Pattern 1 -Chon-Ji - 19 movement White belt pattern - Done with little talking/instruction.
TKD Pattern 2 - Dan-Gun - 21 movement yellow belt pattern - Done with little talking/instruction.
TKD Pattern 3 - Do-San -24 movement green belt pattern - Done with little talking/instruction.
TKD Pattern 4 - Won-Hyo -28 movement green high pattern - Done with little talking/instruction.
TKD Pattern 5 - Yul-Guk -38 movements blue pattern - Done with little talking/instruction.
TKD Pattern 6 -Joong-Gun -32 movements blue high - Done with little talking/instruction.
TKD Pattern 7 -Toi-Gye -37 movements brown bel - Done with little talking/instruction.
TKD Pattern 8 -Hwa-Rang -29 movements brown high - Done with little talking/instruction.
(SOON) -TKD Pattern 9 -Choong-Mo -30 movements black belt recommended - Done with little talking/instruction.
(SOON) -TKD WTF Pattern - Koryo - 30 movements -- Done with little talking/instruction.
(SOON) -TKD Pattern 10 -Gwang-Gae -39 movements 1st Dan decided black belt - Done with little talking/instruction.
(SOON) -TKD Pattern- Po-Eun -36 movements - Done with little talking/instruction.
TKD Pattern 11 - Ge-Baek - Black Belt 2nd Recommend pattern -With INSTRUCTIONS
TKD Pattern 12 - Choong-Jang - Black Belt 2nd Dan pattern-With INSTRUCTIONS
TKD Pattern 13 -Choong-Jang -52 movements 2nd Dan decided black belt - Regular Speed Done at 2018 Demonstration at Cho's Westheimer.
TKD Pattern 14 -Yoo-Sin -68 movements 3rd Dan decided black belt - Regular Speed Done at 2015 Demonstration at Cho's Westheimer.
Breathing for TKD & Yoga with Master Mo
Yoga - Simple Salute to the Sun with Master Mo
Yoga - Master Mo's Morning Warm Up Routine
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